What Are the Symptoms of Discogenic Pain and How Is It Treated?

Read about the symptoms of discogenic pain, how it is different from other types of back pain, and how to manage it.

Table of Contents

Introduction To the Symptoms of Discogenic Pain

If you or a loved one has been struggling with back pain, you may have symptoms of discogenic pain. This article explains what the symptoms of discogenic pain are, how they differ from other types of back pain, and who is at risk.

We will also explain steps people can take to prevent discogenic pain. By learning about the risk factors and prevention methods, people can take steps to protect their spines and maintain good health.

What to Know About the Symptoms of Discogenic Pain

Each person’s experience with discogenic pain may be different. It’s essential to seek professional help. Keep reading to learn how healthcare professionals test for discogenic pain and make a diagnosis. Treatment options to help relieve this type of back pain will also be shared. 

You don’t have to struggle with symptoms of discogenic pain by yourself. J. Flowers Health Institute can help ensure healing and recovery every step of the way. 

What Is Discogenic Pain?

Discogenic pain is a type of discomfort that comes from a damaged spinal disc. Spinal discs are made of cartilage and gel and act as cushions between the vertebrae in your spine. 

When those cushions are damaged, a person feels symptoms of discogenic pain. This type of pain can make moving and doing everyday activities difficult. 


People who experience discogenic pain have several common symptoms. It’s important to pay attention to these symptoms to be able to determine if your pain may be caused by this condition. 


Some typical symptoms of discogenic pain include:1

  • Lower Back Pain or Radiating Pain: This pain can be constant or come and go. It might feel like a dull ache or a sharp, stabbing pain. Sometimes, the pain from a damaged spinal disc can spread to other parts of the body. It may travel down the hips, buttocks, and legs. This type of pain is called referred pain, and it can make it hard to move or walk.
  • Pain is Worsened by Specific Movement or Positions: Discogenic pain may feel worse when the person moves in certain ways. For example, someone might feel more pain when they bend, twist, or lift heavy objects. Sitting or standing for long periods can also make the pain worse.
  • Morning Stiffness that Improves with Movement: Many people with discogenic pain find that their discomfort is worse in the morning. They might feel stiff and sore when they first wake up. As they start to move around, the pain often gets better.

Risk Factors to Developing Symptoms of Discogenic Pain

Risk factors are important in understanding who tends to experience discogenic pain symptoms and why. It is also possible to lower the risk of discogenic back pain by staying away from these risk factors or making lifestyle changes. 

Here are some common risk factors and how they might contribute to discogenic pain:2
  • Age: With age, the discs in the spine can wear down and lose their cushioning ability. This degeneration can lead to discogenic pain. Older adults are more likely to experience symptoms of discogenic pain than younger individuals.
  • Previous Back Injuries: Having back injuries in the past increases the risk of developing discogenic pain. Injuries might cause damage to the spinal discs, making them more vulnerable to degeneration and pain.
  • Genes: Some people might be more prone to discogenic pain due to their genes. This is called a genetic predisposition. Anyone with a family history of lower back pain or disc problems might be at a higher risk of experiencing symptoms of discogenic pain.
  • Occupational Hazards and Lifestyle: Certain jobs and activities can put extra strain on the back. Jobs that involve heavy lifting, bending, or twisting can put stress on the spine, leading to disc problems. Similarly, a sedentary lifestyle or being overweight can also increase the risk of discogenic pain.


Taking steps to prevent discogenic pain is vital for a healthy back. Many of the steps that prevent discogenic pain are also important steps for overall wellness. Prevention is always better than treatment, so it’s important to take steps to protect the spine. 

Here are some tips to help reduce the risk of developing symptoms of discogenic pain:3
  • Eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Regular exercise, including core strength exercises
  • Good posture, especially while sitting and standing
  • Proper lifting techniques to minimize back strain

How Is Discogenic Pain Diagnosed?

Healthcare professionals can use many tools to diagnose discogenic back pain. They may visualize the back with imaging studies or use more comprehensive tools to see what causes the symptoms of discogenic pain. 

It is important to find the exact cause of your pain. An accurate diagnosis is crucial because it leads to better treatment for discogenic back pain. More pain relief leads to higher quality of life.

It’s important to address symptoms of discogenic back pain early to make sure you get the help you need. 

Imaging Studies

Imaging studies, like X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans help healthcare professionals see inside the body. These tests help doctors determine if back pain is due to discogenic pain or another cause. 

A doctor may also use discography. In this test, dye is injected into the discs in the back. An X-ray is then taken to see if dye leaks out, which would suggest a damaged disc.4

J. Flowers Health Institute's "Living MRI" Approach

J. Flowers Health Institute offers a unique approach to diagnosing back pain. The “Living MRI” tool combines advanced imaging with your movement. By observing how the spine reacts during activity, doctors can better understand the cause of back pain. 

This approach can help pinpoint the symptoms of discogenic pain and provide a more accurate diagnosis. The end of this article has contact information to learn more about the process and how we can help.

How are the Symptoms of Discogenic Pain Treated?

Once a healthcare professional has found the cause of symptoms of discogenic pain, they can suggest various treatment options. Recommendations will depend on each person’s symptoms and specific situation. 

Treatments aim to ease pain and improve quality of life. Treatment can include conservative treatments, surgery, or complementary and alternative treatments. Each of these types of treatment are described below.

Conservative Treatments

Conservative treatments are usually tried before surgery to treat back pain. Since surgery is more invasive and requires a longer recovery time, conservative treatments are almost always the first line of treatment that doctors will recommend. 

These treatments can include the following:

  • Physical therapy, including exercises to strengthen back muscles or increase flexibility
  • Holistic therapies, such as massage
  • Medications as prescribed by a doctor, such as muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory drugs  
  • Lifestyle modifications, including maintaining a healthy weight to put less pressure on the spine 
  • Interventional pain management, such as injections or nerve blocks to provide temporary relief from discogenic pain 

Surgical Treatments

Surgery is usually considered a last resort for treating discogenic back pain. Healthcare professionals may consider surgical treatments if conservative treatments do not provide enough relief. Surgery for discogenic pain can be successful, but results vary for each person. 

The outcome of surgery can be affected by factors like age, overall health, and the severity of disc damage. Discuss the potential risks and benefits of surgery with your healthcare professional. 


Common surgical treatments include:

  • Discectomy: Removes part or all of the damaged disc to relieve pressure on nearby nerves
  • Spinal Fusion: Two or more bones in the spine are joined together to limit movement and stabilize the spine
  • Artificial Disc Replacement: Damaged spinal discs are replaced with artificial discs

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Some people choose to relieve symptoms of discogenic pain with complementary and alternative therapies. These treatments can be used alongside traditional medical care. Your healthcare professional can help you decide if these treatments will be safe and if they will work for you. 

It is essential to discuss these treatments with a healthcare professional before trying them. Here are some options to consider for discogenic pain:

  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic care  
  • Massage therapy

Why Is It Important to Seek Help?

If you notice symptoms of discogenic pain, see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Healthcare professionals provide the correct diagnosis quickly and recommend the right treatment. The sooner symptoms are recognized and effectively addressed, the sooner an individual can return to a pain-free life. 

A healthcare professional can help you achieve the following important goals to protect your back.

Differential Diagnosis

Discogenic pain symptoms might also be similar to symptoms from other lower back problems, like muscle strain. It’s crucial to find the right diagnosis through a healthcare professional so you can get the right treatment. Receiving the wrong diagnosis could mean unnecessary medical procedures, the wrong medication, and continued pain. 

Luckily, there are ways you and your healthcare professional can tell the difference between discogenic pain and other types of lower back pain.

For example, a muscle strain might feel like a tight or pulled muscle, while discogenic pain is usually more intense. A muscle strain also gets better with rest, while discogenic pain does not. It’s very important to work with a healthcare professional to figure out the cause.

Early Diagnosis

Finding the right diagnosis right away helps treat back pain more effectively. It can lead to pain relief sooner.

Personalized Care

Each person’s experience with discogenic pain may be different. So, healthcare professionals help people decide whether symptoms point to discogenic back pain. From these symptoms and a specific diagnosis, a tailored treatment plan can be developed.

symptoms of discogenic pain

How Does J. Flowers Health Institute Help?

The J. Flowers Health Institute offers excellent diagnosis and care for discogenic back pain. This approach lets clients take control of back pain symptoms with early, accurate diagnosis and customized treatments.

Accurate Diagnosis

The J. Flowers Health Institute team of experts uses a “Living MRI” approach to assess clients’ total health and determine the root cause of pain. 


The process may involve medical evaluations, imaging, and consultations with various specialists. The team will pinpoint the cause of back pain for better relief. 

Tailored Care

Each person’s needs are unique, and the J. Flowers Health Institute approach to care is customized. Every treatment plan considers the client’s specific situation and needs for the best possible care. Customized care leads to better results and a fuller, happier, pain-free life. 

Comprehensive Treatment

The J. Flowers Health Institute offers a holistic health approach. This approach includes traditional medical treatments and therapies that focus on the whole person, including integrative nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle changes. 

By considering the whole picture, clients can take advantage of all available options for pain relief and healing. 

Contact J. Flowers Health Institute

To wrap up, it’s key to tackle discogenic pain for a person’s well-being. Not doing so can lead to worse health issues and lower life quality. Knowing and treating discogenic pain helps people get back to enjoying daily life without pain.

J. Flowers Health Institute works hard to give complete, tailored care to those with discogenic pain. We use many treatments and therapies to create a special plan for each person. This way, everyone gets the best care, leading to better results and happier lives.

Get in Touch With Us Today

By paying attention to discogenic pain and working with experts like those at J. Flowers Health Institute, people can find relief and enjoy a healthier life. Taking care of discogenic pain is vital for well-being. 

With the right help and treatment, people can manage their pain and live a full, happy life. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to begin your journey to decreased pain, complete well-being, and better quality of life. 

Get in touch with us today for help diagnosing your symptoms of discogenic pain. We will help manage and prescribe treatments to get you back to your overall quality of life.