Holistic & Alternative Treatments

Explore the power of integrative and whole-person approaches to healing and well-being. Our blogs cover a wide range of therapies, counseling techniques, and personal development strategies. Discover how to find balance, reduce stress, and cultivate inner peace through holistic practices.

Integrative Health Month: Spotlight on Treating the Whole Person

You can’t address whole-person health without considering emotional and spiritual needs in addition to mind and body wellness. That is the belief behind holistic healing, which has been a tenet of the J. Flowers Health Institute’s treatment program and a component in the signature “Living MRI” diagnostic evaluation since the institute’s inception.

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It is vital to receive a comprehensive medical diagnosis before beginning treatment to create the best chance for proper healing. Contact J. Flowers Health Institute today to receive the necessary support in reaching sustainable wellness.

Medical Diagnosis Before Treatment

A medical diagnosis is a complex medical step involving patient history, personal exams, and testing. In many cases, there are multiple diagnoses completed by varying doctors. This process allows for a more comprehensive understanding of patient ailments.

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Sexuality education is an important step in learning about sexuality topics. Sex ed teaches about the body and making wise, informed choices. Contact J. Flowers Health Institute today to learn more.

Sexuality Education – What to Include in a Comprehensive Plan

Sexuality education, also known as sex ed, is an important step in learning about human sexuality topics. Sex education in schools teaches about the developing body and making wise, informed choices. Many may be confused about what exactly sex education in public schools entails and be asking, “What is sex education?” So let’s discuss the details.

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Spiritual assessment should be a part of mental and physical healthcare. Find out how spirituality can help improve outcomes in healthcare. Contact J. Flowers Health Institute today to learn more.

Spiritual Assessment and Counsel

The holistic view of healthcare encompasses the “whole person”: the mind, body, and spirit of a human being. Psychotherapy helps heal the mind and keep it healthy. Proper nutrition, exercise, and medical support help to keep the body healthy and improve it. But what of the spiritual aspect as it relates to health and well-being? Let’s take a closer look at spirituality, what a spiritual assessment is, and how it can help improve health.

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Physical fitness is important for health and wellness because exercise is beneficial to your systems. But, many people don't exercise enough. At J. Flowers Health Institute, we understand how hard it can be to maintain physical wellness. Reach out today and let us offer the support you need.

Fitness And Exercise Impact On Systems

Physical fitness is important for health and wellness because exercise has a beneficial effect on most systems in the body. Unfortunately, many people do not get adequate exercise. According to 2017 data, only, 53.3% of U.S. adults engaged in the amount of aerobic exercise that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends for good health, and only 23.2% got a sufficient amount of both aerobic and strengthening exercise.​​​1
Most people would benefit from getting more exercise, because of the ways it improves overall health.

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Supporting a transgender child means providing them with needed resources for mental and physical health. Contact J. Flowers Health Institute today to learn how to be an advocate for your child.

Transgender Children

Supporting your Transgender Child All individuals are valid and deserve to receive support from their families and communities, regardless of gender. If your child has

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The 8 dimensions of wellness are holistic health approach that takes into account all facts of your life in addition to your physical health. Reach out to J. Flowers Health Institute today to learn more.

8 Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness refers to complete health, rather than just your physical health. Wellness is not only being free of disease, illness, or stress but also having a purpose in life, being emotionally healthy, taking an active involvement in your work and in your leisure time, having joyful relationships and being happy.​​​1
Wellness involves all aspects of your life beyond your physical health. To enjoy fulfilled and happy lives, it is important to take care of your well-being and to invest time in your wellness.

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