Diagnosis of Discogenic Pain
Discover why an accurate diagnosis of discogenic pain is important for a successful recovery in this comprehensive article.
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What is Discogenic Pain?
Discogenic pain is a common cause of lower back discomfort. This kind of pain is often difficult to ignore. Getting a diagnosis of discogenic pain is important to getting back to a life you love.
An Explanation of Discogenic Pain
Imagine your spine like a tower of small bones called vertebrae. Between each bone there’s a disc. These discs act like shock absorbers, making sure your spine can bend and twist smoothly.1
When one of these discs is damaged, the pain can prevent you from taking part in activities you love. Our institute has the medical knowledge for the comprehensive diagnosis of discogenic pain.
Why is an Accurate Diagnosis of Discogenic Pain Important?
The diagnosis of discogenic pain is a crucial part of understanding the cause of your back pain. Proper diagnosis means finding the real source of your pain.
When we know the cause, we can get you feeling better faster.
Not all back pain is the same. There are other conditions that can cause back pain. Muscle strain, arthritis, and discogenic pain all require different kinds of treatment.
Comparing Treatments for Different Types of Back Pain
You might need physiotherapy if your pain is due to a muscle strain. If the cause is discogenic, however, your treatment might involve different methods.
These might be pain management strategies or even surgery in some cases.
Getting the Correct Treatment
Without the right diagnosis of discogenic pain, you might end up getting the wrong treatment. That’s why the diagnosis of discogenic pain is so vital.
It guides us in choosing the right treatment for you and it brings you one step closer to finding relief from your pain.
In the next sections, we’ll dive deeper into the diagnosis of discogenic pain. This includes common symptoms and diagnostic tests. We’ll also explore the holistic approach at J. Flowers Health Institute for treatment after the diagnosis of discogenic pain.
Common Symptoms of Discogenic Pain
Discogenic pain often shows itself in specific, definable ways. Understanding the signs is an important step in the diagnosis of discogenic pain.
Let’s explore some of the common symptoms that you or your healthcare provider might notice.2
Lower Back Pain
People with discogenic pain often feel a dull, aching pain in their lower back. This is the most common symptom.
It’s not usually a sharp or shooting pain. Instead, it tends to be a constant discomfort that gets worse when you move in certain ways.
Pain Increase with Certain Movements
Our medical team will make note of movements that are painful for you. These are some movements that put extra pressure on a damaged disc:
- Sitting
- Bending
- Lifting
- Twisting
Pain Decreases When Lying Down
Discogenic pain is often relieved through lying down. This position takes the pressure off the damaged disc.
Pain That Spreads
During your diagnosis of discogenic pain, mention if pain has been spreading.
This phenomenon is what doctors call referred pain, and it happens because the nerves in your back connect to other parts of your body.
Some of those areas that may be affected are listed here:
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Legs
Trouble Moving
You might find it hard to move or do your regular activities because of discogenic pain. Simple tasks like bending to tie your shoes might become difficult.
Your back might feel stiff, especially when you wake up in the morning or after sitting for a long time.
Discussing any stiffness is helpful in the diagnosis of discogenic pain.
Understanding Your Symptoms
It is important to remember that everyone is different. The symptoms you feel may not be the same as someone else with a diagnosis of discogenic pain.
Also, having these symptoms does not mean a definite diagnosis of discogenic pain. Other conditions can cause similar symptoms.
J. Flowers Health Institute Can Help
Understanding your symptoms is not something you have to do alone. Our medical professionals are here for you. We have the knowledge and tools to help you with your diagnosis of discogenic pain.
Understanding your pain is important in the diagnostic process. Our institute uses tests and evaluations to check your spine.
Tests for the Diagnosis of Discogenic Pain
To make a diagnosis of discogenic pain, our healthcare providers use a few different tests. Two of the most common ones are the MRI and discography.3
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
An MRI is a type of scan that lets doctors see the inside of your body. With an MRI, our doctors can evaluate a diagnosis of discogenic pain.
This test is often very good at finding physical problems with your discs. Doctors can look for signs of damage or wear and tear that might be causing your symptoms.
A discography is a more specialized test. In this test, a doctor injects a special dye into your disc before taking an X-ray or CT scan. The dye helps highlight any damage to discs during the evaluation.
If the injection causes the same pain you’ve been feeling, that can be a sign that a disc is the source of your pain.
In evaluating a diagnosis of discogenic pain, discography is not used as often as MRI because it’s more invasive.
The Living MRI Approach
Discography and the MRI can be very successful in the diagnosis of discogenic pain. Like any medical test, however, they’re not perfect. It’s important to use these tests as part of a bigger picture.
At J. Flowers Health Institute, we understand this. That’s why we use a unique approach called the “Living MRI.” This is a thorough review and in-depth evaluation of your medical history.
The “Living MRI” is not a single test but instead a complete approach to your health. It’s about understanding you as a whole person. This is crucial when it comes to the diagnosis of discogenic pain and finding the best form of treatment for you.
Complementary Diagnostic Approaches
Sometimes, when the usual ways of finding out if you have discogenic pain are not enough, other methods may help. These are called alternative or complementary diagnostic approaches.
Physical Therapy Evaluation
One complementary approach to the diagnosis of discogenic pain is a physical therapy evaluation. A physical therapist can look at how you move. They can also check your strength and flexibility.
Our doctors can garner lots of valuable information to use in the diagnosis of discogenic pain. Physical therapy evaluation has the benefit of being non-invasive.
Electromyography (EMG)
Electromyography, or EMG, is a test that checks the health of your muscles and nerves. We may recommend an EMG in the diagnosis of discogenic pain. An EMG can help bring to light what is causing your symptoms.
Discogenic Pain vs Other Spinal Pain Types
It’s important to know that discogenic pain isn’t the only type of spinal pain. Two other common types of spinal pain are facet joint pain and spinal stenosis.
Discogenic pain, facet joint pain, and spinal stenosis can all cause spinal pain, but each condition has unique features. Understanding these can help in the diagnosis of discogenic pain.4
Facet Joint Pain
Facet joint pain should not be confused with discogenic pain. The facet joints are parts of your spine that help it move. When these joints get worn out or damaged, it can be painful.
This pain often feels worse when you lean back. It might also get worse with twisting or turning motions. On the other hand, discogenic pain often feels worse when you lean forward or sit for a long time.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis occurs when the space around your spinal cord gets narrow. This puts pressure on your spinal cord and nerves, and can cause pain, numbness, or weakness.
With spinal stenosis, the pain gets better when you lean forward. On the other hand, discogenic pain often gets worse when you lean forward.
The Bespoke Stabilization Program
At J. Flowers Health Institute, we have a program for managing pain called the Bespoke Stabilization Program. This program is all about making you comfortable. Our goal is to help you feel your best.
While you’re going through the diagnosis of discogenic pain, we make sure you have everything you need. At J. Flowers Health Institute, we’re here to support you every step on the way to recovery.
The Length of the Diagnostic Process
Confirming a diagnosis can be quick or slow. Let’s go over the factors that are important in determining a timeframe in the diagnosis of discogenic pain.
What are Time Factors in the Diagnosis of Discogenic Pain?
A diagnosis time-frame depends on many factors. These include your symptoms, how quickly tests are available, your response to treatment, and other health issues.
Understanding this can help you know what to expect during the diagnosis of discogenic pain.
Clarity of Symptoms
The clarity of your symptoms can affect how long a diagnosis may take. If you have classic discogenic pain symptoms, your doctor may be able to reach a diagnosis quicker.
If a damaged disc is the cause of your pain, then symptoms will point to this. Classic symptoms of disc damage include an aching pain that gets worse when you sit or bend forward.
If your symptoms are not clear, a diagnosis may take more time to complete.
Speed in Testing
The availability of tests affect the timeframe for a diagnosis. Tests like MRI scans are often needed for a diagnosis of discogenic pain. These can help your doctor see what is happening in your spine.
Response to Treatment
Your response to treatment can also affect the timeframe for a diagnosis of discogenic pain. If you notice improvement from treatments aimed at discogenic pain, it can point to a clear diagnosis.
There are treatments we can offer that pinpoint whether you have discogenic pain. Our medical staff will discuss with you whether or not these treatments are effective. The answers may indicate a need to take a deeper look into your symptoms.
Other Health Issues
In some cases, other health issues can affect the diagnosis of discogenic pain. If you have other spine problems, a diagnosis may take more time.
Discogenic pain can hide behind other spine issues. We have a team of highly trained professionals who can sort through your symptoms. An accurate diagnosis of discogenic pain is achievable through the J. Flowers Health Institute.

Treatment Options Post-Diagnosis of Discogenic Pain
After the diagnosis, the next step is to find a method for treatment. Our doctors may include several of the following in your treatment plan:
- Physical therapy
- Medicine
- Injections
- Surgery
- Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Our Approach to Discogenic Pain
At J. Flowers Health Institute, we believe in a full, detailed approach to the diagnosis of discogenic pain. We don’t just rely on one type of test.
Our expert team works together to understand what’s causing your pain. After a diagnosis, we will work with you to form a treatment plan. This way, you can get back to living a full and active life quickly.
Holistic Healing after a Diagnosis of Discogenic Pain
To complement our treatment programs, we recommend holistic practices. All of the following methods can be used to help your body heal:
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Changes in Diet
- Stress Relief Methods
Stepping Forward with J. Flowers Health Institute
Getting a professional diagnosis of discogenic pain matters. Our goal is to not only ease your pain but also to improve your overall health and well-being. This way, you can get back to living a full and active life.
If you’re living with back pain, J. Flowers Health Institute can make a difference. Our institute can help you overcome restrictions with an accurate diagnosis. Reach out today and let’s start on the road to a healthier you.