Treatment of Discogenic Pain at J. Flowers Health Institute

If you or a loved one are looking for a comprehensive guide to the treatment of discogenic pain at J. Flowers Health Institute, continue reading.


Table of Contents

Discogenic Pain

Discogenic pain can get in the way of daily living and hold you back from what you love. It differs from other types of back pain, and a holistic approach is needed for the successful treatment of discogenic pain.

Successful Discogenic Pain Treatment

Not all methods used to reduce back pain are successful in the treatment of discogenic pain. At J. Flowers Health Institute, we understand this. 


Our experts use a complete, well-rounded approach in the treatment of discogenic pain. Our goal is to get you living your best life, a life free from the restrictions of back pain.

Our Mission in Discogenic Pain Treatment

We are dedicated to finding the root cause of your pain, and we use the best of modern medicine and holistic health practices to do it. Our team of top doctors, therapists, and wellness experts work together to create a plan just for you.


Our approach has helped many people from all over the world reach optimal health. Treatment of discogenic pain is made easy at J. Flowers Health Institute. Let us help you feel empowered in understanding and managing your health.

Understanding Discogenic Pain

Discogenic pain is a specific kind of back discomfort. It originates from the intervertebral disks – the cushion-like parts between the bones of your spine. These disks can undergo wear and tear, or they may become damaged. When this happens, it leads to discogenic pain.1


Symptoms of discogenic pain often may include an aching pain in the back. The pain may worsen with activities that compress the spine, including activities that keep you healthy and active. This is why the treatment of discogenic pain really matters to us.2

Why is a Diagnosis Important?

It’s important to know that discogenic pain differs from other back pains. The treatment of discogenic pain varies from other back pain treatments. This is because the causes of the pain are different. 



For example, sciatica pain is often due to a pinched nerve in your lower back,  causing pain that radiates down your leg. On the other hand, spinal stenosis results from a narrowing of the spinal canal. This narrowing compresses the nerves and can cause pain or numbness in your limbs.



While these conditions all cause back pain, the source of the pain is different. Therefore, the treatment of each requires a unique approach. Successful treatment of discogenic pain is about targeting the damaged disks.

How Common is Discogenic Pain?

Discogenic pain is more common than you might think. Many people experience this kind of pain, especially as they get older. It can range from mild to severe. 


In some cases, it may interfere with daily activities. Effective treatment of discogenic pain is so important. J. Flowers Health Institute is here to help.

Options for Treatment

Discogenic pain can be tough, but there are several ways to manage it. Using a holistic approach, one or more of the following methods are combined at the J. Flowers Health Institute. 


Discogenic pain treatment may include:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Pain Management Techniques
  • Surgery

Added to these, a range of holistic practices are recommended to help our patients. Read on to learn more about our methods for the treatment of discogenic pain.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy involves a range of exercises. The idea here is simple – a stronger, more flexible back can help ease the pressure on your disks. It is important to note that this is not a quick fix. 


Physical therapy requires time and consistency, but it is a journey that can be worth the effort to achieve long-term relief.


Physical therapy is often part of the treatment of discogenic pain. Exercises are adjusted to fit your ability. J. Flowers Health Institute tailors our treatment to fit your needs and reach high goals. 

Pain Management Techniques

Pain management techniques can involve medication. These control pain and improve quality of life. Pain medications work by blocking the pain signals sent to your brain.

Safety of Pain Management Through Medication

Pain medications can be useful, but keep in mind that pain management techniques don’t tackle the root cause of discogenic pain.


Our doctors are mindful of potential side effects with long-term use of medication. During the treatment of discogenic pain, we offer the safest and most effective methods of medicated pain relief.


In more severe cases, surgery might be the way to go for the treatment of discogenic pain. This could involve removing the damaged disk, or fusing parts of the spine to limit movement.


Surgery can provide significant relief, but it’s not without risks. As with all surgeries, there is a chance of complications, and patients would need a recovery period. Our institute ensures the safest methods are implemented in your treatment of discogenic pain.

Selecting a Treatment Plan with a Holistic Approach in Mind

At J. Flowers Health Institute, we’re big on non-invasive treatment of discogenic pain. We use top-tier diagnostics to understand the cause of your pain, then develop a plan for you.


In the treatment of discogenic pain, our goal is more than just relief. Our doctors might recommend massage, acupuncture, or mindfulness practices in your treatment plan. We want to encourage you on our journey toward sustainable change and long-term health.

Emerging Treatment Options

The medical front is making positive moves forward in the treatment of discogenic pain. Let’s take a look at exciting new treatments for managing discogenic pain that may be offered here in the future.

Stem Cell Therapy

Recent studies have shown promise in a method called stem cell therapy. In this treatment, doctors use the individual’s cells to help heal damaged disks. 


The idea is simple – the body knows how to fix itself. More studies are needed to confirm the safety and effectiveness of stem cell therapy in the treatment of discogenic pain.3

Radiofrequency Ablation

Another promising approach to the treatment of discogenic pain is radiofrequency ablation. This technique uses heat to disrupt nerve function. The idea here is to “turn off” the nerves causing your pain.


Studies suggest that radiofrequency ablation can lead to substantial pain relief. This is an exciting potential step forward in the treatment of discogenic pain. Like stem cell therapy, more research is needed to fully understand the benefits and risks of radiofrequency ablation.

The Future of Discogenic Pain Treatment at J. Flowers Health Institute

Our goal is to offer the best possible care. J. Flowers Health Institute is committed to staying at the forefront of new and effective treatment of discogenic pain.


Could stem cell therapy and radiofrequency ablation be part of our services in the future? It’s possible. If proven to be safe and effective, these new therapies could be valuable tools in the treatment of discogenic pain. 

Managing Discogenic Pain During Treatment

Managing discomfort for treatment of discogenic pain can be challenging. Our team of medical professionals are here to help. We will curate a plan for removing your pain as quickly as possible.

Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers are one way to lessen discomfort. During the treatment of discogenic pain, remember to talk with your doctor before starting any new medicine.

Physical activity

Physical activity is also helpful in managing pain. Light exercise can strengthen your back muscles. This can support your spine and speed up healing.


The treatment of discogenic pain will often include gentle physical activity. Swimming and walking are good options, but listen to your body. If something is hurting, make sure to stop and tell your doctor


Resting the back is as important as exercise. It gives your body time to heal. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. This is important for the successful recovery during the treatment of discogenic pain.

How Long Does it Take to Recover?

Recovering from discogenic pain takes time. For some, this means a few weeks; for others, recovery may take several months. It all depends on the treatment and how the body responds.4

Factors that Influence Duration of Recovery

Several things can affect how long it takes to get better, including


  • The type of treatment received
  • Overall health
  • Age
  • Lifestyle choices

Tools for the Treatment of Discogenic Pain

When it comes to discogenic pain, we know everyone is different. We look at your health, age, and lifestyle, and a plan is put together that is right for you.


Our goal is to help you recover in the best way possible. Our Diagnostic Evaluation Program and the “Living MRI” are important tools in the treatment of discogenic pain.

Diagnostic Evaluation Program

Flowers Health Institute has a special program for the treatment of discogenic pain. It is a complete evaluation that helps us understand your pain better. It allows us to make a treatment plan curated to your needs.

What is a "Living MRI"?

The “Living MRI” is a tool we use to show us how your spine is working. This tool can do more than a regular MRI in the treatment of discogenic pain. A “Living MRI” can show us how your spine moves.

The “Living MRI” points us to the disk that’s causing the problems. This plays a big role in the treatment of discogenic pain, and in helping us to get you feeling better faster.

Making a Treatment Plan: Teamwork in Action

Our team has several types of experts involved in the treatment of discogenic pain. Doctors, therapists and psychologists all look at your test results and discuss what they see, sharing ideas.

We make sure every part of your health is considered. Find out what teamwork in action looks like at J Flowers Health Institute.

Medical Strategies

Doctors play a big part in creating your treatment plan. They look at the “Living MRI” results. They find the disk that’s causing the pain, and then they decide the best way to go about your treatment of discogenic pain. This could be medicine, exercise, or sometimes surgery. 

Therapeutic Strategies

Our therapists give you practical ways to help yourself. They might show you exercises to strengthen your back, and they can teach you how to move in ways that don’t hurt your back. They can even show you how to make your workspace more back-friendly.

Psychiatric Strategies: Why are They Important?

Our psychologists understand that living with pain can be hard. They can give you tools to manage pain and stress.  This can make your treatment of discogenic pain more successful.

Why Does This Approach Work?

When all aspects of health are being considered in curating a treatment plan, patients are receiving the best care. Discogenic pain affects more than just your back, and our treatment of discogenic pain keeps that idea on the forefront.


At J. Flowers Health Institute, we understand managing discogenic pain is tough. We offer services such as pain management education and physical therapy. We’ll work with you to create a plan for the treatment of discogenic pain that fits your needs.

Understanding Our Programs

For the treatment of discogenic pain, there are three key programs:

  • Bespoke Stabilization
  • Wellness
  • Restoration

Each one is a stepping stone toward a happier and healthier future. J. Flowers Health Institute gives you the tools you need to manage pain, stress and lifestyle changes. We want to see you succeed in the treatment of discogenic back pain. 

Bespoke Stabilization: The First Step

The Bespoke Stabilization program is your first step forward toward a life free from discogenic pain. Here we work to get your pain under control through medicine, exercises, or even new habits. The goal here is to get you feeling better quickly.

Wellness: Stepping Up to Building Strength

In this step, patients might work with a trainer and learn new ways to eat or sleep that can help your back. This program is all about creating a healthy lifestyle for the treatment of discogenic pain.

Restoration: A Life with Long-Term Success

Our last program is restoration, which helps our patients continue living in a way that keeps the back healthy. Lifestyle changes can be key for the long-term treatment of discogenic pain.

Treatment of Discogenic Pain

Conclusion: Better Life, Better Back

Discogenic pain can make life hard. It can make everything from working to relaxing tough, but it doesn’t have to be this way. At J. Flowers Health Institute, we want to help you.


Our approach to the treatment of discogenic pain is different. We don’t just look at your back. During treatment of discogenic pain, we look at how to align you to the life you want. Discogenic pain does not have to hold you from living life to the fullest. 

Reach Out to Learn More

Flowers Health Institute has helped many people live freer lives. Our patients have built lives that support their back health, and they’ve learned to maintain their progress. 


With the right help, you can live a life free from back discomfort. Contact us today to learn more about our approach to the treatment of discogenic pain. Let’s get you back to the life you love.